Faith Into Action Daisaku Ikeda Pdf Merge
From the book Faith into Action by Daisaku Ikeda pg.35Buddhism teaches that the individual writes and performs the script of his or her own life. Neither chance nor a divine being writes the script for us. We write it, and we are the actors who play it. This is an extremely positive philosophy, inherent in the teaching of 3,000 realms in a single moment of life. You are the author and the hero.
To perform your play well, it is important to pound the script into your head so thoroughly that you can see it vividly before your eyes. You may need to rehearse in your mind. Sometimes it helps to write down your goals, copying them over and over until they are inscribed in your heart. Here is the link to “Appreciating Your own Life”One thing that has struck me immediately is the Peace of mind that this prayer has once again given me.
‘I also am noticing “I LOOK YOUNGER!” My skin seems softer looking. I have been reading lately that one way to look, feel and appear more youthful is to LET GO OF JUDGEMENT!In this guidance it says: “Appreciation has three qualities:”1) No Matter what happens you do not betray your dreams/goals/self.2) No Matter what happens, you don’t make any judgments about yourself.3) No matter what the situation in your life, you must turn it around.What started me on this inner quest was the original 2 page paper that I received years ago. I received this in Barcelona where I lived for many years. Crack excel password free mac. It is now dog – eared and yellowed from age and lots of use.Imagine a world, your world, with no self-criticisms or self slander at all.Imagine what it would be like to wake up in the morning and from that moment throughout the entire day, loving yourself exactly as you are, knowing that it is all perfect in your perfect world. Everything!Imagine being angry and bringing out the best there can be in that anger and loving and embracing yourself in the process.Wouldn’t this empower you?Wouldn’t this make you feel wonderful?As many reverends and religious people say: “It’s all in the Master plan!”There would be no more complaining about your life.
Soka Gakkai
There would be no more pity parties.You would know, truly know that everything serves you.I will keep in touch as I have a lot more ideas and experiences on this subject. I woke up this morning with a knowing of how I needed to pray today.Zange or Buddhist apology.This is a concept that we don’t really talk much about anymore. The nine consciousnesses as expounded in S.G.I. There are many elements involved in a prayer being answered, but the importantthing is to keep praying until it is. By continuing to pray, you can reflect onyourself with unflinching honesty and begin to move your life in a positivedirection on the path of earnest, steady effort. Even if your prayer doesn’tproduce concrete results immediately, your continual prayer will at some timemanifest itself in a form greater than you had ever hoped.Daily Encouragement by Daisaku IkedaFriday, March 30, 2012For me, the most important thing is looking into the mirror and reflecting with “Unflinching Honesty” on my attitude.Am I holding a grudge today?Am I feeling out of sorts because I’ve allowed someone else to rob my peace?What part of me is not centered in the vortex? (on my greatest self, my divinity, source)Am I looking outside of myself for my own happiness, blaming others.These are the things that I bring to my Buddhist altar every morning when I pray.I want to purify the negative vibrations out of my life.
My goal therefore must be to deeply contemplate on what’s making me feel bad so that I can release these issues and feel relief.I find relief by loving.I find relief by forgiveness.I find relief by recognizing my mistakes and immediately learning the lesson so that the mistake serves a greater purpose.I find relief by praying for the happiness of the person giving me a hard time.Every time I win over myself I send a tremendous surge of positive energy to Mother Earth.My victory is crucial to this planet.It all starts inside with my own Human Revolution. (inner transformation)In the 12 step programs we call it a fearless moral inventory.A business which takes no regular inventory usually goes broke. Taking commercial inventory is a fact-finding and a fact-facing process. It is an effort to discover the truth about the stock-in-trade. One object is to disclose damaged or unsalable goods, to get rid of them promptly and without regret. If the owner of the business is to be successful, he cannot fool himself about values.We did exactly the same thing with our lives. We took stock honestly.
Words Of Wisdom Daisaku Ikeda
First, we searched out the flaws in our make-up which caused our failure. Being convinced that self, manifested in various ways, was what had defeated us, we considered its common manifestations.-A.A. Big Book p.64Who needs my help today?Who needs my forgiveness?How can I serve?