Xf Machine

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Compound Injection Ports Typically, baseline (basal) OCR and ECAR rates are measured three or four times before adding inhibitors, stimulants, substrates, or compounds by way of the drug delivery ports. OCR is reported in units of pmol/minute and ECAR in mpH/minute. Compounds that have been preloaded into the drug delivery ports of the assay cartridge are then pneumatically injected, sequentially, into the media in each well. After gentle mixing, OCR and ECAR measurements are made multiple times. Because Seahorse XF measurements are non-destructive, the metabolic rate of the same cell population can be measured repeatedly over time while up to four different drugs are injected sequentially into each well. Total assay time is typically 60 to 90 minutes. Upon completion of an XF assay, other types of biological assays such as cell viability can be performed on the same plate.

Tf Machine


To maintain normal cell physiology, a temperature control system maintains the cellular environment at 37°C (or other pre-set temperature).