Chivalry And Sorcery 5th Edition
Date: 22 February 1986Game System: Chivalry and SorceryGame Master: Player PNarrator: Beorn Frankie Biskit, natural talent mediumCharacters:. Ali Dalpat, cleric (Player D). Ose Coolperson, mechanical artificer (Player S). Drusus Germanicus, knight (Player J)We set off on the journey and encountered serval goblins.
We could not talk to each other but they made it clear that we could not continue. At this, Germanicus attacked the three – a chieftain of some sort with two bodyguards. Several more promptly appeared and attacked us from behind. Gadwin print screen crack prank. Ose threw one hundred gold ducats and they fell upon them.
Chivalry And Sorcery 5th Edition Download
I joined in with gathering coins but received a blow to the head. Germanicus and Ali had by now decapitated the chieftain, causing the bodyguards and the rest of the goblins to flee.Further along we encountered three more of the humanoids which I charmed using my crystal ball, The Pleasuredome. They wanted us to accompany them to their camp. Ali double checked this advice with a find the true way miracle which warned him to turn back. We headed towards the camp anyway, coming across some goblins who recognised Ose as their previous generous benefactor. Ose gave each of them a hundred gold ducats which caused a stampede of interested goblins to come racing from the camp. We fled, leaving Ose to handle his fan club.I monitored proceedings using clairvoyance while Ose managed to kill everything within a very large radius using the spore sack we have retrieved from the tower in Sleepy Hollow.
Unfortunately the spores wiped our pretty much everything organic that Ose was carrying so it was time to turn back for more supplies. Before leaving I scouted ahead using astral projection which revealed a mine entrance and a mountain pass previously blocked by a landslide but now stable enough to use. Date: 16 February 1986Game System: Chivalry and SorceryGame Master: Player PNarrator: Beorn Frankie Biskit, level 6 natural talent mediumCharacters. Ali Dalpat, priest (Player D). Ose Coolperson, mechanical artificer (Player S). Sir Drusus Germanicus, knight (Player J)I purchased some magic oil and mercury of copper from the local alchemist and a diamond from the jeweler. I sold ten dragon-weight of Treebeast wood to a carpenter for a thousand silver pieces.
I returned to Hollywood and enchanted the magic oil and mercury of copper using some sanctified water. I then set out to learn the spell concentrate fog, reducing is basic magick resistance from BMR/5 to BMR/3.Ali Dalpat learned a new miracle find the open way while Ose did the final enchantment on his focus (a ring) and Germanicus did military service.After that I completed the enchantment on my crystal ball, named The Pleasuredome.While on military service, Germanicus helped raid a giant fortress. When he returned he fetched the rest of the Treebeast. The total value: forty thousand gold pieces. The entire carpentry guild could not afford it but we still got over two thousand gold pieces each. I used this opportunity to pay back Ose the hundred gold pieces I owed him.Somehow Ose found he had a previously undiscovered talent for animating objects like suits of armour with weapons.We have a map from the tower adventure showing a pass through the mountains. I astrally projected myself through the pass and found it to be full of humanoids.
Beyond the pass are plains, forest and a barbarian or pagan land. We provisioned ourselves for the journey. Date: 12 January 1986Game System: Chivalry and SorceryGame Master: Player PNarrator: Beorn Frankie Biskit, natural talent mediumCharacters. Ali Dalpat, priest (Player D). Drusus Germanicus, knight (Player J). Ose the Coolperson. Mechanical artificer (Player S).
Robin Hood, yeoman (Player F). Baron D’Adder, lord of the regionNarrativeI enchant beer from BMR/5 to BMR/4, taking twenty days to do so.Wait, what? In the last episode Beorn had just received a mysterious and threatening note from the mysterious and threatening Jak the Black. Two of his friends are missing. Beorn’s obvious reaction is to enchant beer. Now there is a certain Homeresque quality to “My friends are in trouble hmmm, magick beer!”, but these events occurred at least a year before The Simpsons started.
I’d like to think that, being a medium, Beorn had already contacted the spirits of his friends and determined that it was too late to do anything, but I’m beginning to think there are disadvantages to having a recluse for a friend who spends his time enchanting beer and trying to speak to bears.I then travel to town to see if the jeweller has any diamond (to replace the philosophers’ diamond and to make an extra component for my focus) but he has none. I then see the alchemist to see what he can sell me.
He has Waters of the Rise and True Lead. Only the Waters are useful to me, so I buy two lots. I must be careful not to sprinkle it on anything: it raises BMR Basic Magick Resistance.I then saw Ali Dalpat about holy water or wine and he recommended sanctified water. He told me what he knew of our friends: Sir Drusus Germanicus is rumoured dead, Ose is away somewhere with a jeweller and Robin Hood is in town. After a visit to the monastery, I visit Robin Hood. He tells of fighting the dragon (not killing it, of course), of Sir Drusus dead (and here he just happens to have his badly burned head), of stealing some of the dragon’s treasure, of how the dragon is now after him and of how much he would really like to hide out at Hollywood.
My reaction was “No way: a dragon is after you”.I then saw Robin check out where he had hidden the treasure and mention a round figure of two thousand gold pieces. I also noticed a “G” had appeared on his door, and speculated it somehow referred to Germanicus. Just then Robin had some other, even less welcome visitors: bully boys from Baron D’Adder demanding back the money they had paid Hood for killing Germanicus (apparently getting a dragon to do it doesn’t count). At this point, I was feeling decidedly uncomfortable and left hurriedly.Back at Hollywood I was delighted to find how powerful sanctified water is. One lot can reduce the BMR of one item by ten steps, or ten items by one step or any combination. I quickly journeyed to the nearby monastery and purchased some more. On my return, I used it to enchant all the components for my crystal ball.I have now started to learn “bear” as a language, although I may yet enchant some more materials before the astrologically determined time for the final enchantment of my crystal ball.
This will boost its free spell capacity. I have seven months to Date: 28 December 1985Game System: Chivalry and SorceryGame Master: Player PNarrator: Beorn Frankie Biskit, natural talent mediumOther Characters:. Darston Freelance the Heretic, assasin (Player D). Sir Drusus Germanicus, knight (Player J). Mel Smith, Sir Drusus’s squire. Ose the Coolperson, mechanical artifier (Player S).
Ian Priestly, village cleric. Robin Hood, yeoman (Player F).
Jak the Black, mysterious note-leaverNarrativeOse found that he had caught some sort of disease with only a 40% survival rate and he left to travel to a small village in order to be cured. Sir Drusus and Mel left with forty of my gold pieces and a shopping list.
Still weak from the hydra’s poison, natural healing will take me 39 days. Ose and Darston Freelance the Heretic returned from the village two days later with Ose’s illness cured. That gave me the cunning idea of doing what they did, so I set out to the same village to talk to the cleric. Sir Drusus returns before I leave does not return before I leave.I visit Ian Priestly, the village cleric, who cures me in response to a very generous two gold piece donation. I then travelled to town where I met Sir Drusus returning from not finding me in Hollywood. He tells me of an ambush by four men that he fought off – he suspects they were led by Robin Hood. Sir Drusus says he left my goods in Hollywood.
We both finish off some business in town and return to Hollywood on horseback.We found traces of a fight and a note from a person identifying themsleves as “Jak the Black”. The note says that our two friends will die on the gallows in town and that Sir Drusus is of uncertain lineage (the exact words were “son of a whore”, but there is no need to dwell on unpleasant details). We followed tracks to the river where we lost them.I have now set up security arrangements for Hollywood (padlocks and bars). With the items Sir Drusus purchased for me I now have all the components I need for my crystal ball, so I will set about enchanting them.
Roughly sorted the components into grounds and I applied some magic oil to the lion skin, reducing it from BMR 6 to BMR 4 Basic Magick Resistance indicates how difficult various materials are to enchant. BMR E is enchanted.I strongly suspect that Jak the Black and Robin Hood are in fact the same Date: 22 December 1985Game System: Chivalry & SorceryGame Master: Player PNarrator: Beorn Frankie Biskit, natural talent mediumOther Characters:. Sir Drusus Germanicus, knight (Player J). Mel Smith, Sir Drusus’s squire.
Alpha Centaurus, local astrologer. Robin Hood, yeoman (Player F). Ose the Coolperson, mechanical artificer (Player S). Darston, assasin (Player D)NarrativeI travelled into town where I met my old aquaintance Sir Drusus Germanicus, returning from killing a barrow wight. Sir Drusus and his squire, Mel, helped me finish building my treehouse, Hollywood this name and even the very concept of building a treehouse in the woods being so that I could say my character Frankie was on his way to Hollywood. Apologies for those too young to get 80s pop references.
They helped me because I was able to determine that a crown Sir Drusus had liberated from the barrow was magical. He has now given the crown to the astrologer, Alpha Centaurus, who will try and determine what it is (estimated time: nine days).While building Hollywood, Robin Hood and his merry men returned and helped us as well in return for one hundred silver pieces.
I then went hunting and found a bear. I discovered it would take 36 weeks to learn ‘bear’ as a language. Returned empty handed rather than hurt a spirit-brother.Next day I travelled to town to get supplies in order to take on a troublesome hydra. Met up with Ose and Darston and headed off to the hydra lair. Ose investigated a blocked side entrance while Darston and Mel guarded the main entrance.
I chopped wood why? The diary does not record but it was obviously a cunning plan. Or maybe my supplies of firewood at the tree house were low? and Sir Drusus looked for another way in.Ose was surprised by the hydra and poisoned. Fighting valiantly he almost escaped but the poison overcame him and he collapsed, apparently alive but unconcious.
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Mel inflicted two critical hits with his bow and arrows, while I threw my axe but missed. The hydra burst out of its lair and attacked Mel, Sir Drusus and me. Darston fled to hide in some nearby bushes. The hydra bit me, the poison leaving me helpless on the ground in agony. The next turn Mel was also poisoned so he fled, leaving Sir Drusus fighting the beast alone as I was still helpless. As my vision darkened I saw Sir Drusus land the killing blow and then I knew no more.I awoke to the vile but also welcome taste of healing potion in my mouth which Sir Drusus was administering. Ose was also concious but very weak beside me.
Chivalry And Sorcery 5th Edition
Sir Drusus investigated the tunnel and apparently found little of significance while our dream of making good money from hydra body parts vanished when the corpse abruptly dissappeared. Dispirited, weary and not a little dizzy still from the poison, we returned to Hollywood.